11. November 2019


We make sustainability profitable. So far, the pineapple stems and leaves have been left unused on the plantations in Costa Rica: an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes with fatal consequences for agriculture. Cows were so stressed by the plague of mosquitos that they thinned and gave only a little milk. Calves died, only a few were born.
Thanks to the REINARTZ separation process, the remnants of the pineapple harvest are made economically usable, among others by pressing the biomass on site in Limón. The plant is about to be completed in our production facility in Neuss. As part of a promising project funded by KFW DEG, press juice and press cake will be produced from the pineapple stems and leaves – after delivery and installation of the plant – and as such can be used as fertilizer for recultivation of the usable area and as animal feed. Clothes are made from the fibers of the pineapple leaves. New jobs are created. Thanks to REINARTZ, biomass becomes a sustainable resource!